
Bad Bishop - Good Knight

A bishop which is hemmed by its own pawns is called as " bad bishop " because it has not enough mobility. It can control fewer squares. On the contrary "good bishop" is not surrounded by its own pawns and it has high mobility.
- If you have light-squared Bishop , your pawns should be on the dark squares.
- If you have dark-squared Bishop , your pawns should be on the light squares.
- If your opponent has a Bishop, you should place your pawns on the same color squares as your opponent Bishop. Of course your pawns should be well defended.

Bishop has more mobility than Knight . It can be more stronger than Knight when the pawns are on both wings. But in closed games Knight is usually more valuable than Bishop. But don't forget everything depends on the character of the position.

Bad Bishop Good Knight - Example 1

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Bishop has no square to go. It is a bad Bishop. Knight is good . Black Rook controls the d-file. He will also use the advantage of having a Knight against the bad Bishop.

Bad Bishop Good Knight - Example 2

White's Bishop is a bad Bishop. It is hemmed by its own pawns. There is no space for White's Knights and Bishop. Black Bishop is a good Bishop. It controls b8-g3 diagonal and threats the isolated g3-pawn. Black Knights will be used during the kingside attack.

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