



You can write the chess moves and describe the play by using algebraic chess notation . The files are named a through h from the left of the player who play with white pieces. The ranks are numbered from 1 to 8 from the side of the player with whites.

The coordinate of each square is written by using its file letter and its rank number such as a1 , a2, b1 ,e4 etc. ( see the diagram ). When you move your piece , you write also a letter which symbolize that piece except the pawn . This letter may be different for the different languages in different countries. For example in English : K king , Q queen , R rook , B bishop , N knight. but in french : R le roi , D la dame , T la tour , F le fou , C le cavalier.. See a list of the chess pieces in different languages.

8       d8        
6     c6          
4         e4      
2 a2         f2    
1 a1 b1           h1
  a b c d e f g h

When you write Kf2 it means that the king is moved to f2 , or Qh7 the queen is moved to h7. It is sufficient to write only the destination square for the pawns : e4 means that the pawn is moved to the square e4.

When you capture a piece you place a ( x ) symbol. Bxa4 means that the bishop captured the piece which is on the square a4.

Other symbols

0-0 : a short castle
0-0-0 : a long castle
! : a good move
!! : a very good move
? : a bad move
?? : a very bad move
!? : an interesting move
?! : a doubtful move


1. e4 e5 : 1. (the number of the move) , e4 (the move of the White) , e5 (the move of the Black)
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 e x d4 4. N x d4 Be7 5. Be2 Nf6 6. 0-0 0-0 .....

castling video on our youtube channel
castling video on our youtube channel Watch the Chess notation video on our Youtube channel